Chew On It: No Regrets
Oh, Please Stop!
It troubles me to see so many people using smart phone apps for their exercise program and doing potentially dangerous exercises. Just because the trainer is famous does not mean they know what they are doing. In fact, most trainers don’t understand when an exercise is dangerous. Our fitness industry has matured well on the business side, but unfortunately it has only progressed slightly on the development of trainers.
Becoming qualified as a personal trainer is way too easy and this is one of the main reasons the quality of instructors as a whole is sub-par. There are well-qualified trainers around, but they are the minority. At Elixr I ensure we strive for a high standard. We host courses by highly qualified experts for the fitness and health care industry, including Dr Stuart McGill, a professor of spinal biomechanics who guides us with our programs.
Two important principles are the safety and effectiveness of the exercises.
It is wonderful to be conscientious with your exercise regime, but it would be wise to ensure your exercise program will not injure you. Most bad exercises will not hurt you immediately but gradually.
Engaging one of our qualified trainers to set you on the right path will save you from suffering, body wise and financially.
I will be presenting a workshop on core/abs exercises based upon Dr McGill’s research. As I herniated 3 lumbar discs in my late twenties, I was motivated to find a solution to manage my structural damage and pain. As it is a permanent structural damage, it requires a lifelong program to manage it.
The “CORE-RECT” workshop will benefit those rehabbing back injuries to those who wanting a strong core or a ‘six pack’.
It will be held at Elixr Bondi Junction on April Weds 28th 6:30pm. Bookings are essential. Non-members are welcome.
No Regrets/Life’s Journey
At one stage of my life, like everyone, I question what is the meaning of life? I came to the conclusion that I will never know why I have this life and it ultimately makes no difference.
What I do know is that I am living this life and it is up to me what I make of it. I believe it’s important to be true to ourselves and it should not be determined by others.
While at UNSW, I was miserable as I did not know which path I wanted to take. I just knew it wasn’t being a physiotherapist, optometrist, IT, or osteopath. They were all my merry-go-round of majors in my science/mathematics degree that I chopped and changed.
Mid-way through my final year, I went home and burnt all my university notes and dropped out. You can safely assume that my parents were not elated as, like most Chinese parents, they expected their children to be doctors, lawyers or accountants.
This put me in a precarious and scary position in Australia. I was on a student visa and had absolutely no desire to return to Malaysia, where Chinese are considered second class citizens. The redeeming factor for Malaysia is nonethless the sensational food, fused with three cultures – Malay, Chinese and Indian.
I was then most fortunate to be presented with an Australian citizenship when I represented Australia at the World Karate Championship. Since the age of 11, I have lived in the best country in the world and also the country of my choice.
Of course, I have no regrets in making a most difficult decision to drop out, but I was also fortunate that I had a serendipitous introduction to the fitness world when I moved my karate school to a new gym called Healthland at Bondi Junction in 1979. That’s where I discovered my purpose in life and made the decision I would live a life of my choosing.
I live with the philosophy of not having any regrets when on my death bed and it has helped me to build courage to live the life of my choice; in the only life that I will ever have.
In 2012, an Australian palliative caregiver Bronnie Ware wrote a book: “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying“. It is about her experiences with dying people, who wished they had:
- The courage to live a life true to themself, not the life others expected of them
- Not worked such long hours
- The courage to express their feelings
- Kept in touch with dear friends
- Allowed themselves to be happier
Our time in this world is so limited and unpredictable, you may want to ask yourself: What are you going to do to have a fulfilling life?
I am very happy about who I am at present, but I am not so sure if people around me are happy about my inappropriate sense of humour.
It is funny that I have been writing about life philosophy for over 18 years but while I was doing philosophy at university, it made my head hurt too much to continue. Fortunately, my first wife Dorothy, who graduated with a political science degree at 19 years of age, kindly wrote my essays. She was extremely bright to the point that when we argued, she would use words that I did not know. Very annoying!