Elixr Nutrition: Detox & Metascan Offer

With each start of a New Year comes well-intentioned healthy resolutions and, the most common one at the top of most peoples’ list is embarking on a detoxification program.

There are many trains of thought when it comes to detoxing with many health practitioners disagreeing with this concept and are quick to denounce it.

I, too, share similar views. Our bodies are naturally equipped with its own in-built system to cope with toxin removal. Toxins are processed and removed via the liver, kidneys, digestive system, immune system and skin and lungs.

In an ideal world, these processes happen seamlessly and on a regular basis when these organs are supported with a healthy lifestyle and a diet low in toxins and high in nutrient-dense food.

However, in today’s environment and especially, after periods of over-indulging in rich and processed foods, this toxic burden has a profound effect on gut-health affecting whole body systems and increasing inflammatory markers.

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, please book in to have a chat and together we can devise a tailored detoxification program to start the new year with renewed vitality and energy.


Signs and symptoms of increased toxicity:

• Depression, mood swings, anxiety
• Joint pain and muscle aches
• Bloating and other digestive symptoms
• Poor short-term recall, short attention span
• Skin rashes
• Lowered immunity and allergies
• Fatigue and lethargy
• Hormonal imbalances
• Inability to maintain or lose weight
• Sleeping issues
• Cravings and headaches



As a further incentive to ensure your health goals are realised, I would like to extend the Metascan Body Analysis offer.

This test takes only a few minutes to perform. It involves sending a small AC current through the body via 4 electrodes connected to the hand and foot. The current is much too small to feel or cause any harm.

The test provides information regarding:
1. Cellular health
2. Toxicity levels
3. Body fat
4. Body water content
1. Intra cellular fluid
2. Extra cellular fluid
5. Specific daily requirements of: Water, calories, protein fat and carbohydrates

Who needs it?
Those who wish to manage their weight, increase their muscle mass, lose or gain fat mass, improve energy levels, protect their health, support nutrition and body health and keep track of their progress.

What will you receive?
You will receive a customised report with individual health goals and specific dietary and lifestyle recommendations. I also offer ongoing monitoring of your program.

The cost?
$70 including GST

To make an appointment, please contact Mogestri on 0414 650 515

Mogestri Pather B.HSc. (Comp Med) Adv Dip App Sc (Nutr),
Elixr Health Club
Level 2, 9 Bronte Road
Bondi Junction NSW 2022
M: 0414 650 515