Q&A with Harries Carroll

We caught up with lifeguard, Bondi Rescue star and Elixr member Anthony ‘Harries’ Carroll, to find out a bit more about the man behind the boardies and megawatt smile.

First thing you do in the morning?
I get up at 5am and have a coffee with coconut milk.

What do you love most about your job?
The diversity, the highs and lows, always being able to give back. I feel very lucky to do what I do and to be part of Bondi Rescue. It’s second nature to me to be on camera now and it’s very humbling to be recognised globally.

Best thing about working in a team?
Sharing each others strengths and weaknesses. Being able to be accepting under pressure and being able to utilise your team effectively to bring about a positive outcome.

If you weren’t a lifeguard, what would you be?
An Elixr Pilates teacher.

How do you stay safe in the sun?
After decades of surfing on Bondi and Bronte beach, the signs are showing – from wrinkles to pigmentation. You have to use a good brand of sunscreen with an SPF of 50+.

How has being a dad changed your life?
It’s changed dramatically. I even got life insurance! Becoming a father is the most serious thing I’ve ever done. Men are self-centred but when you have a child, what you do for that child is what you are. You’re watering your own garden.

Your biggest challenge?
Dyslexia is the biggest struggle I’ve faced, from childhood to now. My twin brother and I went to ‘special’ classes. We were always the ‘different’ kids and really had to find our inner strength to get out of bed and believe in ourselves. It’s not until you find your niche that things start to change. For me, I realised I wasn’t afraid to reach out to people and say hello. This opened doors for me to become ‘The Face of Qantas’ and eventually led to Bondi Rescue.

Your source of inner strength?
My wife Emily, my time at Elixr, and the crest of a wave.

Strangest interaction you’ve had with a celebrity?
Hugh Jackman knocked on my door and said ‘You’ve rescued my son.’ I had no idea it was his son, and was lucky enough to have coffee with him and his family on Bronte beach.

How many times a week do you train?
About 10 times a week. I do 4–5 Pilates classes a week and surf about 6 times a week. I also run on the beach.

Your favourite Elixr class?
The reformer class. I also have a message for everyone interested in joining Elixr: I’ve never seen an array of more beautiful people, you’d have to be a flip to join another gym.

Read our This or That interview with Harries.