The Power of Mysore
If you feel like you are plateauing in your yoga and looking for a way to deepen and explore your practice then Mysore-style yoga is for you.
This is the traditional Ashtanga method of teaching yoga. You will be taught one-on-one by your teacher in this method. Your practice will get longer and more challenging as you work your way through the Primary Series. This method of practice allows the teacher to adjust and support you as you need it. It allows advanced students to move at a deeper more challenging level and newer students to take their time while learning the postures and how to breathe properly.
Have you ever noticed in a general class when the teacher tells you to breathe in and out that you are out of sync sometimes? Or that when you are in a posture you wanted to modify less or more but were unable to? Mysore gives you the room to explore and learn a posture at your pace and breath rate. It also helps you move beyond the external practice of yoga find new challenges.
The Primary Series focuses on opening up the hips (download sequence cheat sheet here). It is a heat inducing, strength and flexibility building practice, enabling the student to both stretch and explore their limits safely. It is common to stop a student on the posture that they cannot do and work with them (sometimes over years) to master that posture before moving onto the next one.
Mysore style yoga will help you become an independent practitioner who moves with their breath in a beautiful rhythm akin to meditation. Watch this long-term student practicing primary series for inspiration
When you start practice you simply turn up between 6.15-7.15am for morning classes and 3.30-4.30pm on Saturdays. Newer students are advised to attend 10-12 Ashtanga led classes first to familiarise themselves with the sequence prior to coming to the Mysore room. You should also spend time with the cheat sheet to check your memory of the sequence, remembering that when you start you will most likely do only the first third or half of the practice. Allow 45 minutes for newer students and allow 60-100 minutes if you are an established practitioner.
To build up strength, newer students are recommended to attend two Ashtanga classes a week plus one Mysore; established students working towards three led and two Mysore.
Most of all on your yoga journey, be patient with yourselves and your practice. It is always best to go slowly and with an open mind.
We hope to see you in the Mysore room soon.
Martine, Elixr Head of Yoga, will be overseeing the program and looks forward to meeting you. Email Martine to register your interest and to ask any questions:
Mysore Classes will begin Monday 23rd September 2019
Bligh Street: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:15am – 8:15am
Bondi Junction: Tuesdays at 6:15am – 8:15am and Saturdays at 3:30pm-5:30pm