
Winter Solstice Yoga Class – Felicia

Winter Solstice Yoga Class with Felicia Robey

Bring a friend and join Felicia 6:30pm – 7:30pm Wednesday 21 June and discover more about the winter solstice. Click to book now.

Four times a year nature reveals the start of a new season. While we may recognise calendar days, all traditional cultures and many people today still acknowledge the equinoxes and solstices. In yoga and Ayurveda, it’s celebrated as a time to let go, to go in, to nourish.

Join Yoga teacher, Ayurvedic practitioner, herbalist and Psychotherapist Felicia Robey in a special Winter Solstice yoga class. Come along to explore the elements, benefits of seasonal winter produce, herbs and spices, how to harness pranayama, mudras, mantras, Marma points, rituals, self-care and more, for winter.

We will also understand the natural processes that our physical, mental and emotional bodies take on at this time of the year and how we can align with them better, to feel more connected and balanced. This class is open and safe for all.