
Staff Spotlight – Rachel Crompton

Richard Chew, the founder of Elixr, interviews our very own Rachel Crompton, Head of Pilates at Elixr. 

How and when did you start teaching Pilates at Elixr?

I started teaching Pilates in 2002. I was aged 30 and looking for direction after professional dancing. I joined Healthlands in Spring St and started Pilates mat classes with Katharine Millard. I was addicted!  I asked Katharine about courses, and I’ve never looked back.

 What work were you doing before Elixr? 

I was a professional dancer and choreographer. I worked at Moulin Rouge, Qld Ballet, Dark Swan and ran my own dance schools-touring company for years. I was a co-choreographer for the Sydney Paralympics and choreographed various musicals and commercials over the years.

Twenty years working at Elixr, what or who inspires you to maintain your spark?

The members! I love being around people who value exercise, and I love the positive impact exercise has on their lives. I have the best job ever!

Having seen you train your children Remy and Essie and your partner at Pilates; how does it benefit them?

I have two beautiful children Remy 19 and Essie 16, and my amazing partner, Pete.

My kids are both gifted athletically. Remy, my son, was an excellent middle-distance runner and swimmer.

Essie is a gifted classical dancer and is now training at The Australian Ballet School in Melbourne.

I have tried to teach them correct alignment, build their strength and avoid injury. Peter is now a Drama teacher at Waverley College. He’s had many back issues over his adult life and first did Pilates as rehabilitation after a back operation. He has been doing Pilates now for over 30 years and religiously does three reformer classes at Elixr a week.

Tell us something that we don’t know about you.

I love my two Burmese cats. I also love baking and hunting in second-hand clothing stores. I binge TV shows.

What is your favourite food?

I love Thai, Chinese, Malaysian, Japanese and Italian cuisine. But my all-time fave is our Sunday night roast chicken, with loads of roast veggies and Pete’s gravy.

What is your secret to looking so young? 

Enjoying life but being balanced about it. Getting enough sleep each night, having discipline with what I eat, and also drinking in moderation, are all key. Working in a gym, I am fortunate to always be around healthy and happy people.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be many things. A flight attendant, a dancer, which came true! Most of all though, I honestly wanted to be a mum. And I am!

What is your most memorable event at Elixr?

In the old days, Richard used to get a few of us to dance at the annual Elixr party, which was always a hoot! It’s probably best that he doesn’t ask us anymore.

What was your favourite trip with Richard and Kath overseas and why?

South America – visiting the natural beauty of Iguazu falls and the mind-blowing man-made spectacle of Machu Picchu.