Chew On It – New Year, New Resolutions

Another year, another New Year’s resolution. I believe one of the main resolutions would be about health.

There are two parts: physical and mental health, but they are connected. It is essential to look after both.

If it has always been the same resolution for the past few years that you have not committed to, then it is a matter of finding ways to set a habit. It needs to become habitual over time without having to think about it.

What I have learned after many decades in the fitness industry is that every person is unique. A diet that suits millions of people may not be suitable for you. Likewise, a great exercise program is not suitable for everyone. Seek the advice of a qualified PT to prescribe a program that suits your body without overstressing it.

An exercise program for a 21-year-old is vastly different from that of an athlete or a baby boomer. Ultimately, do what is good for your body and not cater to your ego.

My training regime, as I am in my sixties (although still in denial), is very different from my younger days. I no longer push for extra reps or two. There is little benefit versus the likelihood of an injury, and for what purpose? Except to satisfy the ego, which is pure stupidity.

The aim now is to maintain toned muscles, good joint mobility, and low body fat percentage.

As I age, I no longer take my mortality for granted, and I have drastically changed my pattern of eating. Witnessing the death of my brother and father from strokes and heart conditions has motivated me to exercise regularly and eat sensibly. Plus, my son Dennan is always monitoring my eating and exercising habits.

To gauge what my body needs, I have had a DNA test to reveal my strengths and weaknesses, what I need to consume or supplement, and what to avoid. A blood test every year helps monitor and adjust my intake accordingly.

Mogestri, our in-house nutritionist, has been most helpful in assessing my requirements and has prescribed supplements that my body needs.

Mogestri, who has a Bachelor of Health Science and an advanced diploma in Applied Science, takes a scientific and evidence-based approach. She will provide various tests to assess what your body needs to function efficiently.

Mental health is an area many do not prioritise sufficiently. It is much easier to identify physical health deficiencies; mental health deficiencies do not tend to be obvious.

It is difficult to spot our own mental health issues, but people around you tend to bear the brunt of it.

A good analogy from a quote by Ricky Gervais, “Remember, when you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It is only painful for others. The same applies when you are stupid.”

Basically, everyone has mental health issues, some more, some less, but that is a normal person. Just like a normal family; a normal family is a dysfunctional family, or maybe it is just my family!

There is no shame in realizing we all have mental challenges and at times need to seek the help of qualified and competent counsellors.

Let me stress the competent part. Like all professionals of whatever trade, there are plenty of qualified ones but few are truly competent. Finding a competent counsellor/therapist also depends on your personality being in sync with the counsellor.

I have consulted with over 20 psychologists, psychiatrists, and counsellors, but I have only found three to be beneficial for me. But keep trying until you find the right one.

I have had three bouts of depression, one lasting six years. Fortunately, after many counsellors, I finally found a therapist who helped me come to terms with the trauma that caused my depression and lifted it.

That was back in the year 2000, and since then I have had many adversities and tragedies that should have triggered a depression. Amazingly, the therapy result has been sustained.

Life ahead is joyful and wonderful, but only if you plan for it and take the steps to ensure it pans out the way you would like.

There will be multiple challenges along the way; you just need to resolve them wisely and quickly.

Life is not simple, but don’t make it complex.

Live as if time is limited but plan for the future.